Sunday, August 23, 2009

the things that bring me joy

Pizza and a movie night with Corey and the boys
A walk or bike ride with Corey
A visit from my mom and dad, my brother or my sister and her family
Bible reading time with my boys
Cooking with the boys
A good book
Memories of a good book - two of my favorite authors: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende
The smell of freshly roasted coffee
Sipping a fresh cup of coffee early Saturday morning while the kids still sleep
Order and a clean house
Spreadsheets and checklists
A deep fluffy pillow, crisp thick cotton sheets and a soft heavy blanket in a cold room, the sound of rain or thunder outside
A rainy day
Snow on Christmas and the smell of fresh Christmas tree
The smell of freshly cut grass
A beautifully manicured lawn
A clean car
The smell of something baking
Walking the dogs
The dogs
Freshly cut flowers in a vase